Monday, November 5, 2018

There Are Various Ways of Defining the Devil

a child of many names
The Devil is also called for example Lucifer, Satan and Beelzebub, just to name a few.

Whatever Penalizes Certainty of that Care is Worth it for All
It might be that it is when (and to the extent that) one looses that type of certainty that one looses the soul.

The Concept has Developed through History
Nowadays, the concept of the Devil is very very well-known. ... In very many conflicts, it can be used about those on the other side (or sides) of the conflict  -  not too rarely by representatives of both (or all, if there are more than two) sides. It has had and still has a lot of potential influence on people opinions.

My Guesses about the Ancient Hebrew Definition
The ancient Hebrews aspired to understand what evil is about. They had early onset of some deep such understanding. However, eventually some of them developed aspirations to do so, which were shallow, I think  -  and these were perhaps also the ones that brought about turning their beliefs into religion. The new aspirations can have meant being into pretending that wisdom is to pretend to target evil when one targets ability to present oneself as if evil. I believe that these were also fairly easy targets for evils that did not seem as bad as they were  -  and that this can have been noticed by those of them that were not too far into such shallowness. In order to warn those who were at risk for it, these (who noticed) formulated the devil concept in order to define and warn about such evils!

Supposedly 666
The number 666 is actually 37 * 2 * 3^2, which is hardly an interesting enough number to be called something as important as Satan. Thereby this Satan's is almost not applicable for what the bible and so says that Satan is. But, if one interprets it as as three sixes in another sense that number of tens to different powers, then there is a way to make sense of it. Because Satan is there in twenty-nine,and twenty-nine ingratiates six, which can be interpreted as that he supports what six is about. That the number of sixes is three can be interpreted as a way of saying that it is six through two ingratiation steps  -  the first one being eleven, which could then be called 66. Thereby 666 is through math a fairly applicable definition of the Devil.

So in What Sense Is 29 a Huge enough Evil in the Sense to Represent Satan?
It is because the essence of reciprocity rests in three that six is the essence of interrupted and thus corrupt reciprocity. Because in two there is the essence of interrupting oneness from being infinite and eternal. So a two with a three corrupts the oneness n three, i.e. of reciprocity, interrupting it from being there for all. Moreover, being the second ingratiation step of such impurity, twenty-nine ingratiates such evil, and thus forms an extremely dangerous symbiosis between corrupting corrupting oneness of three especially and oneness generally

What Are the Scenarios When Lucifer Becomes Satan?
It is when a twenty-nine also posses a forty-one (which stands for essence of meaning in curative tolerance in circumstances of corruptive oneness interruption) that it becomes the totally extreme evil that manipulates so that an angel who can induce evil for goodness sake -  and does that more or less exclusively  -  starts to induce evil more or less exclusively for evil's sake. That is when the seven (tolerance), which Lucifer in his unfallen state connects with a 29, no longer can use it for tolerance and worthwhile attitudes about considering evil to be a scourge to be dealt with as food for thought, as an eye-opener and a lesson.